Young millennials between the ages of 19 and 24 are the worst behaved drivers on U.S. roadways, according to the.


Young millennials between the ages of 19 and 24 are the worst behaved drivers on U.S. roadways, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety’s new survey of risky driving behaviors.

The survey reveals that almost 90 percent of millennials in this age group engaged in a risky driving behavior, like speeding, running red lights, or texting and driving, at least one time in the past month.

Other notable statistics about young millennial drivers include:

  • They are 1.6 times as likely as drivers in other age groups to read a text or email while behind the wheel.
  • Almost 60 percent said they had typed or written an email or text message while driving in the last 30 days.
  • They are 1.4 times more likely to admit to driving 10 mph over the speed limit while they are in a residential area.
  • Almost 50 percent said they had driven through a red light even though they could have safely stopped.

Most young millennial drivers between the ages of 19 and 24 believe that these behaviors are completely acceptable.


Young millennials are not the only age group with high percentages of drivers engaging in risky behaviors. The survey found that the following percentages of drivers in other age groups engaged in texting, red-light running or speeding in the past month:

  • Ages 16 to 18 – 69.3 percent
  • Ages 25 to 39 – 79.2 percent
  • Ages 40 to 59 – 75.2 percent
  • Ages 60 to 74 – 67.3 percent
  • Ages 75 and up – 69.1 percent

These findings seem to contradict the notion that the youngest drivers are the most dangerous. The statistics also show that drivers between 65 and 74 years old, often considered one of the safest age groups, engage in some high-risk behaviors.


The AAA survey found that large percentages of drivers, regardless of age group, hold contradictory beliefs about driving behaviors.

For example, while 80 percent of respondents said speeding is unacceptable, almost 50 percent said they were guilty of speeding at least once in the past 30 days.

Also, all respondents said drunk driving is a safety threat, but one in eight admitted to driving after drinking in the past month.

If you have been severely injured or lost a loved one in a car accident caused by texting and driving or some other form of negligence, contact our Savannah auto accident injury lawyers for a free legal consultation.

You may be able to obtain compensation for physical, financial and emotional damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Call 855-856-4212 to schedule a free case evaluation.

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